100 of our readers’ favourite German words – translated and visualised…
Abschlepplok tow / haul engine
Arsch mit Ohren idiot, dumbass
Arschgeweih large, antlers-like tattoo on lower back (usu. female)
Ausländerbehörde Immigration and Visa Office
Bammel funk, panic, being scared shitless
Bedürfnisse needs, cravings (dringendes Bedürfnis = nature´s call)
Begeisterung delight, enthusiasm
beratungsresistent counselling resistant / not responding to counselling
Bestuhlung providing with seats, putting seats in place
betriebsblind stuck in a rut, blinkered concerning their job/business
Brathering fried herring
Briefgeheimnis the secrecy of correspondence
Brustwarze nipple
Dingsbums whatnot, thingummy, thingummyjig
doch but yes!
Donnerschlag thunderclap
Dudelsack bagpipes
Eichhörnchen squirrel
Eierschalensollbruchstellenverursacher “egg shell pre-determined breaking point causer” or that dingsbums for making a hole in your boiled egg
Etepetete lah-di-dah, prim, prissy
Fernweh wanderlust, itchy feet
Fingerspitzengefühl tact, sensitivity, finesse
Fisematente hoodwinking, tricks or excuses
Flusspferd hippopotamus
Freibier free beer
Fremdschämen emphatic embarrassment, cringing on sb else´s behalf
Funkloch skip zone / lack of communication / an acid hole in the conversation
Fussbodenschleifmaschine(-nverleih) a floor grinder (floor grinder hire/rental)
Gebäck bakery products (bread, bread-rolls, pastry, biscuits)
Gebärmutter uterus
Gehwegschaden pavement / sidewalk damage
geradeaus straight ahead
Geschlechtsverkehr intercourse
Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung speed limit
gezwungenermaßen willy-nilly, inevitably, perforce
Glotze goggle-box, TV set
Glühwürmchen firefly, lightning bug
Habseligkeiten bits and bobs, those few belongings
Heimat fatherland/motherland, home
herzallerliebst dearest, darling
Hexenschuss lumbago (lit. witch kick/shot)
Hubschrauber helicopter
Hüftgold love handles, the soft “upholstery” around the middle
Jodeldiplom yodelling diploma
Kaffeeklatsch bit of chit-chat over coffee and cake
Kartenabgabeschlitz slit in a box for submitting (membership) cards or casting a ballot
Kartoffelpuffer potato pancakes, potato fritters, latkes
Kaufrausch shopping frenzy
Knutschen canoodling, smooching or making out, snogging
Knutschfleck hickie, love bite
Leichenschmaus wake, funeral feast (lit. corpse feast)
Memme pantywaist
mucksmäuschenstill quiet like a lamb, dead quiet
mürrisch crabby, grumpy
mutterseelenallein all alone, abandoned by all
Nachtschwärmer late-night reveller, bar fly
Nagelknipser nail clipper
neunmalklug smart alec, smarty pants
nichtsdestotrotz notwithstanding
Panzerschlacht armoured clash, tank clash
Papierkram paperwork, bumf
Pendelverkehr shuttle traffic / transport
Pfifferlinge golden chanterelle mushrooms (aka “egg chanterelle)
Plötze common roach or colloquial name for Plötzensee Prison in Berlin
Pümpel plunger
Quarkkeulchen small, round, deep-fried cakes made of mashed potatoes and soft curd cheese called quark, served sprinkled with icing sugar
Quatsch rubbish, tosh, nonsense or teasing, banter
Radiergummi (India) rubber, eraser
Sandkastenfreund childhood friend (lit. a sandbox friend)
Schadenfreude gloating
Schäfchenwolke little fluffy / fleecy cloud
Schaufensterbummel window-shopping
Schmetterling butterfly
Schnappfisch snapper
Schnapsidee barmy/crazy idea (one you´d get after one Schnaps too many)
Schneeballschlacht snowball fight
Schnickschnack knick-knacks or frills
Schnucki(-putzi) pet, love, ducky
schwabbeln wobble
Seelenklempner shrink (lit. “soul plumber”)
Sehnsucht longing, yearning, nostalgia
Semmelbrösel breadcrumbs
Sitzfleisch bum, buttocks or ability to sit still and work
Spargelzeit asparagus season
Stadtbummel city stroll/amble (often combined with a bit of shopping)
Stau gridlock
Sterneküche 1st-class / award winning cuisine
Streichholzschachtel matchbox
Streuobstwiese meadow orchard
Strohwitwer grass widower
Strumpfhose tights
Teelöffel teaspoon
Torschlusspanik the feeling of panic that the ‘door is about to close’, usually later in life and in terms of relationships, marriage etc.
Tratschtante busybody, gossip
Vergangenheitsbewältigung coming to terms with the past
Verschlimmbessern to spoil while trying to do exactly the opposite
Wahnsinn madness, insanity or used as expression of one´s astonishment or one´s Begeisterung
Wanderlust wanderlust itchy feet
Weltschmerz world-weariness, melancholy
Wunderkerze sparkler
Wüstenspringmaus gerbil